Sunday, January 26, 2014

Monthly FoW Games - Encounter AAR

So my FoW group had our meeting today, and Chris and I were going to have a go at Encounter. I was fielding German while Chris was fielding Canadian Guards... So here are the lists:

Turn 1)

Chris decides to dig in his troops, and send his Sherman's to the East side of the table around the hill.

My Tiger sensing danger, decides to make a double move to counter his tank threat in the East. Luckily I was able to pass my Unreliable test and successfully make the double move.

Remer is position behind the field in the bottom center of the above picture (He's going to help with a joke later on)

My Stuh's decide to push up on the west flank.....

But the commander decides to say his tank is "bogged down" (you'll understand this joke in a little bit)...

Turn 2)
Chris decides to bring on the hurt to my Stuh's....

And manages to bail both of them....

The resulting assault renders them nothing but smoking hulks of their former glory....

Chris manages to destroy one of my Half-tracks on the eastern side of the table with his Sherman's and decides to hightail it before my Tiger can take a shot on them.

Not wanting to play Cat & Mouse around the hill I decide to make my Tiger go up the hill (which Chris said he was going to do after I moved up the hill). I was about this time I realized I forgot to roll my Tiger Ace Skill... 3 Shots per turn!! Ohhhh yeah, that's going to make Chris sweat a little.

My reserves arrive on the east side of the table and I have to have them book it to the western side...And my Stuh is still bogged down.... Damn hedge! Remer decides he's had enough of the Stuh not moving and makes his way over towards that direction....

Turn 3)
Chris gets some of his universal carrier reserves in and decides to book it down the road toward my western objective....

And manages to destroy 2 of my reserves!!!

But not before my remaining stuh makes them go up in smoke and cause them to flee the battle!

So his Sherman's prepare to go after the Stuh...

My Tiger manages to destroy one of his Sherman's and bail out the other one. The 3rd Sherman managed to survive due to my unlucky roll of a 1.

Turn 4)
Chris manages to get some more of his universal carriers and brings them down the western road towards that objective (the same route the others had to withdraw from)

My Stuh is still bogged down and is swarmed with his infantry! Luckily I managed to make it out of there unharmed as all of his shots bounced!

Chris decides to have his Sherman take cover and he remounts his bailed Sherman on the eastern side...

The Stuh manages to destroy one of his problematic Sherman's and bail an other...

My Tiger on the other hand decides to light up the remaining Sherman's on the east side -- one is destroyed and the other 2 rounds bounce...

The eastern infantry of mine makes a mad dash towards the objective as far as they can go...

Turn 5)
Chris decides to push hard on the west objective of mine, and rolls his carriers up the road, his shermans up to the field, and his infantry into the field....

Remer shows up and magically and my Stuh is longer bogged.. As we both comment, the Commander of the tank was just pretending to be bogged down...My Stuh manages to take out a few of those pesky assaulting infantry that tried to destroy him!

Turn 6)
His Sherman's finally manage to dispatch my Stuh...

He tries to take the forest with the western object but is repulsed...

I manage to get close enough to the north-eastern objective (near the swamp), but it becomes a slug-fest there. i finally manage to remove some of his troops and land my half-tracks and troops on the objective but they still have Chris' infantry nearby to do an assault on his next turn. Sadly, time was called and we had a draw.

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