Friday, May 2, 2014

Ernst Barkmann's Panther Ausf. A

Wanting to get more warriors for my army, I decided to pick up Barkmann's Panther Ausf. A tank. While I'm not a huge fan of zimmerit, this tank has it on it, and was actually less defined than I originally thought. Now some of you that know me are asking why I would get another Late War warrior when all you do is play Mid War. Well, believe it or not, Barkmann had a long career in the German Army. Based on this, I decided I needed to have him in my arsenal so I could pull him out whenever the need arises.

The only downside to the box set that Battlefront sells is that there are no decals at all included in the box. Really Battlefront --you couldn't come up with a small set for this iconic tank? What I had to do was butcher some decals from another set of mine (the panzer IV H's) to get his 424 on the tank.

I originally had put 155  - I cut a 515 decal and rearranged the numbers, but after reading up on Barkmann I had to change the numbers. He mostly piloted 424 until its ultimate demise by friendly fire - and subsequent destruction by it's crew - in Vienna Austria.

On to the pics...

Peek-a-boo I see you back there!

I also managed to finish up my Bergepanther, that's been sitting idle on my Shelf of Shame, so here are some pictures of it...

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